Operation 100: A day at the cricket … bad for the diet but good for the soul!

I was lucky enough to go to the cricket today at the Gabba. To say I had a great day would be an understatement but it would also be fair to say that any thoughts of maintaining a good diet went straight out the window the minute I walked into the ground.

The fact is that unless you wish to starve or have had the time to do a grocery shop and make salads you are not going to get any healthy food at the Gabba.

I ended up having a couple of four and twenty pies, a cornetto, a bottle of coke zero and a couple of bottles of water. That is a lower load than I would have had in previous years but equally is more bad food than I have had in one day in a long time.

Whilst I am disappointed about that, and disappointed that the Gabba does not deign to serve healthier food, I have to say I still had a brilliant day because cricket is, frankly, like a drug for me and I definitely got my fix today.

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